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Friday July 26th 2024


You Can’t Buy a World Series, So Stop Complaining About It!

am from Connecticut.  I am a DIEHARD Red Sox fan.  And I know one thing about the New York Yankees—there is no other team more deserving of a championship in 2009.

I can already read what the comments on this message board will say: "They just bought their title"..."Girardi's terrible, anyone could manage that roster"..."ARod and Pettite took steroids." Those are excuses for yourself and for your own team.

ARod and Pettite did just fine without performance enhancing drugs this October, so let's get that out of the way right off the bat.  Quit whining, your favorite players did it too—Viva Papi!

I'm going to start simply refuting the oldest argument amongst Yankee haters—that New York simply opened their wallets and purchased ...

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