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Saturday July 27th 2024


Media Still Trying to Figure Out How to Jinx Yankees

pennant races ending in a whimper in every division but AL Central Casting, baseball writers across the country are apparently starved for interesting storylines these days. How else to explain the dizzying takes of late on the Yankees' playoff aspirations?

Last week, a stumble against the Mariners and a series-opening loss to the Angels in Anaheim led to a barrage of stories hinting that the mighty Yankees were heading toward another hard fall in October.

There was the "After Sabathia, the rotation is horrible" angle, the "Sabathia is terrible in the playoffs and Pettitte's shoulder is FUBAR" angle, the "Joba sucks, it's the Yankees' fault, and they will pay for that reality accordingly" angle, and my personal favorite, the "Albaladejo is stealing ...

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