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Saturday July 27th 2024


Joe DiMaggio Once Again Confirmed His Greatness

Stirling is a Baltimore Orioles' loyalist. He started following the Birds when they arrived just in time for the 1954 season.

Jon never liked the haughty Yankees, but he grudgingly admired the greatest of all center fielders, Joseph Paul DiMaggio.

On Saturday, July 31, 1965, Jon attended the Yankees' annual Old Timers' Game at Yankee Stadium, a ball park that greed recently destroyed.

The Yankees' lost, but Joe DiMaggio, at the age of 51, again confirmed his greatness.

Easy to Root Against the Yankees

It started even before the St. Louis Browns moved to Baltimore. During the winter of 1954, the New York Yankees stole our best pitcher, Bullet Bob Turley.

After that, it ...

Read Full Article at Bleacher Report - New York Yankees

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