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Saturday July 27th 2024


Could Joba Chamberlin’s Role Be Reversed Once Again? Yes, and Possibly Soon

Joba has not regained his nearly unhitable form in the bullpen from 2007, he has stepped up for Mo in the past week. Joba has nailed down some saves, doing a good job in general with a 2.63 ERA.

But with the pressure mounting on the Yankees to kick struggling starter Javier Vazquez out of the Bronx for good, the rumors are starting to spread of Joba returning to the rotation.

Personally, I think he belongs in the bullpen where he has the most success by far. But looking at the Yankees farm system and current pitchers on the roster, Joba may very well be the most logical decision to Yankee management.

Sergio Mitre is a good spot starter/ mop up reliever, but the rotation would be better off ...

Read Full Article at Bleacher Report - New York Yankees

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