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Saturday July 27th 2024


As Rotation Needs Rise After 2010 Yankees Need Hughes, Joba To Start

style="border-bottom: medium none; border-left: medium none; padding-bottom: 0in; line-height: 130%; padding-left: 0in; padding-right: 0in; border-top: medium none; border-right: medium none; padding-top: 0in;">After Alfredo Aceves gave up five runs in four-plus innings yesterday, the Yankees hierarchy was secretly giddy. Phil Hughes, the darling prospect of the team since being drafted in 2004, is now back in the lead!

Headlines in Sunday's papers shouted, "Aceves' Bad Outing Could Cost Him in Yankees Contest ," and "Aceves Puts Himself In Hole ...

Read Full Article at Bleacher Report - New York Yankees

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