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Thursday February 13th 2025


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Future Headline: Roger Clemens Not Guilty! »

Most of the media, Major League Baseball, teammates, and most of the public feel that Roger Clemens is guilty of steroid use and therefore guilty of perjury before Congress. But wait. Reginald J. Brown, a former special assistant to President George W. Bush and associate White House general counsel has found a legal argument that he believes could [...]

The Real Truth: Roger Clemens Not Guilty? »

Geraldo Rivera appeared on the O'Reilly Show yesterday comparing Roger Clemens attorney with the attorney for Mark McGwire. Geraldo's position was that Rusty Hardin, Clemens' attorney, should be disbarred for allowing his client to testify. He said that Hardin is responsible for Clemens' federal indictment yesterday for allegedly lying to [...]