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Saturday July 27th 2024


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New York Yankees Triple Play: How the Players and »

In the ninth game of a season that many Yankee fans have already had time to give up on due to the team's age, infirmity and downright unlikeability, the Yanks did something no one saw coming, and no team had ever done before.In the top of the eighth, with New York leading the Baltimore Orioles 5-2,  Baltimore's Manny [...]

Mariano Rivera: Yankees Have No Replacement for the »

He would never admit it, but the gods are unjust. If you haven’t heard, the Yankees’ 42-year-old closer Mariano Rivera tore his ACL shagging batting practice fly balls in Kansas City on Thursday night. The most pointless thing in the least significant place. Rivera always claimed that his cutter—the most effective single [...]