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Wednesday January 22nd 2025


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Reggie Jackson Says Keep “Cheaters” out of »

The question will dominate the Hall of Fame voting for the foreseeable future: How do voters look at known, or suspected, use of performance enhancing drugs when making their decision on nominated players? Hall of Famer Reggie Jackson recently made his feelings on the subject known. He said that Alex Rodriguez’ numbers are tainted and most [...]

Roger Clemens Acquitted in Court, but What About in »

Roger Clemens was found not guilty of lying to Congress. We’ve long been past the point where that means he didn’t do it in the court of public opinion.Our justice system has been built on the theory that it’s better to allow ten guilty men to be free than one innocent man go to jail. It’s supposed to be hard for the [...]

Are Alex Rodriguez, Mark Teixeira and the New York »

Here’s how tough it is in New York. On May 22, the city saw their beloved Yankees tied for the AL East cellar with the hated Boston Red Sox. If the Yankees had lost Wednesday, it would have marked the latest in the season the Yankees had sole possession of last place since June 6, 2008, the only season they missed the playoffs since [...]