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MLB Fantasy Power Rankings: Rangers, Rays, Yankees Top »
These rankings are based on a 300 point system, 150 for offensive production and 150 for pitching production. 30 points (one point for each team) is the highest total any team can receive in a given category. For instance, if the Rays lead the league in HR’s, they will get 30 points for that category. The five offensive categories [...]
MLB Fantasy Power Rankings (June 14th) »
These rankings are based on a 300 point system, 150 for offensive production and 150 for pitching production. 30 points (one point for each team) is the most points any team can get in a given category. For instance, if the Rays lead the league in HR’s they will get 30 points for that category. The five offensive categories used: [...]
Closer Report 2010: Mariano Rivera Of the New York »
A League of His Own: A+ Mariano Rivera (Yankees): At first I wanted to put Paplebon and Broxton in the same class as Rivera (Joe Nathan also if he wasn’t hurt), but then I looked at the stats and teams they were on. In Paplebon’s case, he was a little shaky last season and has already recorded a loss this year. Broxton is a flame [...]
2010 MLB Power Rankings »
2010 MLB POWER RANKINGS 1.New York Yankees : The Yankees have three things going for them that no one else does: They are the richest sports team in the world, they are the World Champions, and they have the best team in baseball. The one notable negative for the Yanks is that they play in the AL East with two other teams who made the top [...]