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A-Rod Slips Up, Says Yankees Instead of Mets on Live »
Your true colors are showing, A-Rod.New York Yankees star Alex Rodriguez slipped up during the live broadcast from Kauffman Stadium following Game 2 of the World Series, saying Yankees instead of Mets.The panel's reaction may have been the best part—most notably Pete Rose's facial expression.Read more New York Yankees news on [...]
Alex Rodriguez Hits All-Time Record 25th Grand Slam »
Alex Rodriguez padded his record for most grand slams in MLB history Tuesday night, when he crushed the ball just right of center field for a go-ahead blast.It was the 25th grand slam of his career, and it gave the New York Yankees a 5-4 lead over the Minnesota Twins in the seventh inning of an 8-4 win. Rodriguez is now two grand slams ahead [...]