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MLB Trades: Yankees Trade Montero for Pineda and Sign »
After an offseason of near silence, the New York Yankees pulled the trigger on a trade today.As a result, C/DH Jesus Montero and RHP Hector Noesi go to the Seattle Mariners for RHP Michael Pineda and 19-year-old pitching prospect Jose Campos, according to Greg Johns of the deal allows both teams to fill a glaring needs, it's hard to [...]
New York Yankees’ 9/11 Tribute Falls Short »
They were a distraction that peeked in through the darkness less than 10 years ago. The 2001 New York Yankees, lifting up a battered city during a cathartic post season run that ended with defeat.The Yankees and the Mets were there in the days following 9/11, meeting rescue workers and their families, offering an ear and, at times, a shoulder to [...]
New York Yankees’ Odd Man Out: A.J. Burnett or »
Ivan Nova is an unassuming near rookie who just made his 25th major league start, a non prospect who won't reach great, but might be heading toward damn good.Thursday night, Nova struck out 10 and held the Chicago White Sox to one run in 7.2 innings. His 10th win, his ERA now dragged below 4.00.There may be teams in the major leagues that [...]
Alex Rodriguez’ Antics Reminiscent of Jose »
The days of domination are now fading, the pleading "love me" antics dialed back. Alex Rodriguez is still a phony, still an image-obsessed diva and yet he's more easily accepted in New York now than ever before, his World Series ring capably deflecting the scorn that plagued him in his early years as a Yankee. At age 36 and with a contract [...]
Andy Pettitte Just May Be Baseball’s Favorite »
Andy Pettitte is that soft spoken lefty with the slow Texas drawl. A man dedicated to his faith and his family, tenacious, unflappable in the moment. He may be among the best pitchers the New York Yankees have ever seen. But he’s also a confessed cheater. People find it easy to forget that. After all he’s ‘Andy [...]
Joba Chamberlain’s Last Chance with the New York »
Talent needs execution like you and I need air to live and thrive. That’s perhaps an extreme analogy but oh so true. Joba Chamberlain knows this deep within himself. This uniquely gifted man, lifted up by expectation that now slides down toward a thoroughly middling career because he can’t quite get a handle on “great” and [...]