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CC Sabathia vs. David Price: A Close Cy Young Race »
While the rest of the sports' world was watching a sloppy Monday Night Football game between the New York Jets and Baltimore Ravens or perhaps watching the U.S. Open Final, MLB diehards watched as New York Yankees' C.C. Sabathia and Tampa Bay Rays' David Price dueled it out at Tropicana Field.If you missed it, you missed a gem that produced [...]
Yankee Stadium: The Place That Converts Yankee »
On Sunday, I made my second journey to the new Yankee Stadium with my fiance, Kate, and watched the New York Yankees lose, 7-3, to the Toronto Blue Jays. For the second time in two years, Kate and I enjoyed ourselves at one of my new favorite places on earth. Officially, I am not a Yankee's fan but the more I watch the AL East's first-place team [...]
Sunday Live Blog: Yankees vs. Mariners, Lou Piniella »
Today, New York Yankees' pitcher C.C. Sabathia tries to continue a regular-season, unbeaten streak at home, which is at 19 games (14-0, 2.27 ERA), and place a stamp on my dominating week in fantasy—currently up 9-1 in my head-to-head league-against visiting Seattle, which counters with Luke French. This is the rubber match of the three-game [...]
PED Era and Home Run Market Crash Hurts Alex »
Celebrity gossip reporter, Perez Hilton, posted on his website that Alex Rodriguez broke a home run world record on Wednesday afternoon. (Sorry, I thought Perez Hilton breaking the A-Rod story is funnier and more entertaining then Peter Gammons doing so.) Now, I am not breaking any news—neither is Hilton—but Alex Rodriguez, 35, smashed [...]